<h6>Support from the Top</h6>
Support from the Top
Create policies, plans and metrics that encourage long-term investment in gift planning.
View Standards
<h6>The Ability & Capacity<br> to Execute</h6>
The Ability & Capacity
to Execute
Deploy people and data strategically to reach the right donors.
View Standards
<h6>Donor-Centric Engagement & Management</h6>
Donor-Centric Engagement & Management
Connect supporters to your mission and create transformational donor experiences.
View Standards

Take the Assessments 

These assessments allow you to evaluate how closely your organization conforms to the criteria of the
National Standards for Gift Planning Success

 Support from the Top  The Ability and Capacity to Execute  

Donor-Centric Engagement and Management

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why were the Standards developed?

A: Successful gift planning programs can weather changing conditions and yield long-term benefits for donors and charitable organizations. The National Standards for Gift Planning Success describe the fundamental best practices of a well-constructed, sustainable gift planning effort.

Q: How were the standards developed?

A: A task force of gift planners with experience in a wide variety of gift planning programs drafted the standards. They were refined by the CGP Leadership Institute and other volunteer leaders who have many years of experience as fundraisers, charitable planners and managers of gift planning programs.

Q: How are the standards organized?

A: There are sixteen standards divided into three general categories. Each standard includes a statement of the best practice, a set of indicators that show the practice is in operation and links to resources that support development of the best practice. Three assessment surveys allow organizations to compare their programs to the best practices and locate resources to help with areas that need to be strengthened.

Q: Can gift planning really be “standardized?”

A: Every relationship with a donor is unique. Those relationships are supported by an infrastructure of plans, policies, resources and values that emphasize lifetime giving and not just the annual bottom line. NSGPS helps organizations build that infrastructure. 


Q: The standards are numbered—are they really sequential?

A: For organizations starting a new gift planning program, the standards are sequential. They should be addressed in order to build readiness. Organizations with an existing program can use the NSGPS Assessments to identify areas they need to strengthen.

Q: Are the standards just for larger organizations?

A: NSGPS describes the fundamentals for programs of all sizes. Whether the budget is large or small, organizations that want to accept planned gifts need to consider all the areas described in the standards.

Q: What kind of help is available for organizations that want to implement the standards?

A: CGP offers resources and training to support all the standards. Some resources are available to the public and many are collected in CGP Link, a member community. New resources are added continually. We encourage gift planners to join CGP to gain access to the widest selection of resources.

Q: Who can I contact with questions or suggestions about the National Standards for Gift Planning Success?

A: Send queries and ideas to the CGP staff at nsgps@charitablegiftplanners.org. We are also collecting models to show how NSGPS is applied by various organizations. Please contribute policies, marketing messages, donor stories, case statements, training materials and anything else that shows best practices in operation.